
For­est Springs entered an excit­ing new chap­ter with the com­mence­ment of con­struc­tion of its first homes in the Banksia neigh­bour­hood. Sev­eral own­ers and builders have wasted no time in mak­ing their For­est Springs dream a real­ity and many more are about to start. One of the first builders off the blocks was Mark Bain from Mark Bain Con­struc­tion fol­lowed shortly after by Award Living.

The flat land at For­est Springs means easy build­ing and allows Glad­stone home builders a much faster start on site and a quicker over­all build time. With only one block unsold in the Banksia neigh­bour­hood, it won’t be long before over 100 homes are built and the com­mu­nity starts to take shape. The proud new res­i­dents will then be able to enjoy the nat­ural beauty of Police Creek which sur­rounds the neigh­bour­hood and the con­ve­nience of the new Wool­worths Kirk­wood and spe­cialty shops includ­ing, Price­line, BWS, Med­ical Cen­tre, Craig’s Bak­ery, Dol­lar and Sense, and new restau­rants soon to fol­low, all within a few min­utes’ walk away.